Introducing The Stovies; a Tasmanian based folk trio led by charismatic Scotsman, Graeme McColgan, accompanied by two seasoned Tasmanian musicians, Neil Gray and Bob Connor, to create a dynamic blend of Scottish, Irish, and Australian folk music.
From lively Irish classics to 200 year-old heartfelt Scottish ballads, The Stovies deliver an unforgettable performance filled with infectious energy, incredible 3-part harmonies and a shared love for these rich musical traditions.
The Stovies have performed throughout Tasmania and Victoria with regular appearances at Live at the Wharf, Penguin Beer Co, The Whiskery as well as festivals throughout Tasmania.
This shared Celtic connection and love of Celtic music has been the basis for the band and allowed them to create and release their debut album, Distant Shores, in December 2023.
As well as providing music, Graeme has also been a Scottish ceilidh dance caller (similar to an Aussie bush dance) and often runs ceilidhs at weddings and corporate events throughout Australia.
What our audience say;
“Wildly entertaining, brimming with talent, all heart and kilt! Being in the audience at one of their gigs is like going on a journey through the Scottish landscape with your best mate! and maybe with a scotch in hand”
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We will provide 50% off the PA hire costs for all Event Bible clients.
For more information about The Stovies Band contact us directly.