Wedding Advice | Event Planning Tips
Why do I need a sponsorship proposal and what do I include in it?
You may be wonderful if sponsorship proposal is going to help you contact prospective supporters for your event. YES! Creating a sponsorship proposal may seem like a lot of work, however it is well worth your time and effort to obtain event support, raise money or lower your bottom line. Take a moment to have a read of this article to find out the benefits of event sponsorship and what to include in a sponsorship proposal.
Are you running a large public event that will generate media coverage and publication? Or perhaps you are running a fundraiser for a charity and need to lower your bottom line to meet your fundraising ratio targets? Whatever the style or format your event may benefit from securing sponsor support.
Benefits of sponsoring an event
Sponsorship can come in the form of monetary support or provision of goods and services. Often a business will sponsor an event if they can see a benefit in doing so. For example, aligning with a good charitable cause, building brand awareness, increasing reach in a target market, lead generation and a good return on investment to name a few.
Before an organisation will agree to sponsor an event they will aim to obtain a very good understanding of what the event is, the cause, the benefits and the exposure opportunities. These particular factors will then help the prospect calculate if the sponsorship is a good investment for their business and aligns well with their beliefs, goals & objectives.
What to include in a sponsorship proposal
We strongly recommend you dedicate time and energy into creating a professional proposal to send to prospective sponsors. As a result, this proposal will help showcase your event and outline the sponsorship goals and options available. To kick start your sponsorship campaign download the The Event Bible’s Event Management Kit, because this kit provides a sponsorship proposal template as well as 10 other templates to help you plan an incredible event.
A sponsorship proposal may include:
- Introduction.
- Mission.
- Objectives & goals.
- The event team.
- About the event.
- Highlight any current sponsors/partners.
- Event logo & sponsor logos.
- Include great imagery.
- Timeline. Key items to tick off.
- Sponsorship categories & packages.
- Marketing opportunities & benefits.
- Final wrap up. Call to action. Contact.
This is a snapshot as to what you may like to include in your proposal, so to get a detailed sponsorship proposal template download The Event Bible’s Event Management Kit today.
The Event Bible offers incredibly useful template toolkits and phone consultations for those that need event management support and advice.